Written by Pharm. Juliana Ariri

Exercise is often described as an activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. It may even help you live longer. Aerobic exercises including jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing and walking have been proved to reduce anxiety and depression. The health benefits of regular exercise cannot be ignored, and they are beneficial to everyone regardless of age, sex or physical disability. God did not create man to be inactive!

Here are 4 reasons you should exercise regularly this year:

Exercise promotes the release of chemicals like endorphins and serotonin throughout the body that help to improve mood and make the person more relaxed. It has been shown to improve mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. People who exercise regularly feel better about their appearance, which can boost their confidence and improve their self-esteem.


Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you consume must equal the energy you burn. Regular exercise can help prevent excess weight gain and help maintain weight loss. For instance, ensuring you take at least 10,000 steps daily might help you to maintain a healthy weight. You may discuss with your healthcare professional.


There is no secret to the fact that regular exercise is good for your health. Lack of physical activity is a primary risk factor for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis etc. Regular exercise has been shown to improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and improve cardiovascular health, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels.If you have any health condition like hypertension, arthritis etc, it is important to talk to your doctor about how long you should exercise for and what level of intensity is safe for you.


Exercise plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones. It helps to release hormones that promote the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acid. This helps them grow and reduces their break down. As people age they tend to lose muscle mass and function which can lead to injuries and disabilities. Practicing regular physical activity is essential to reducing muscle loss and maintaining strength with aging.


Exercise can be a real energy booster for healthy people as well as those suffering from various medical conditions. During exercise, oxygen gets delivered to tissues and organs. This helps the heart and lungs work more efficiently which translates to more energy. One study found that six weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 healthy people who had reported persistent fatigue.


Sugar and Salt might look so harmless, basic, or essential. Yet any rapid increase in their presence can affect everything and become worrisome.


Sugar in the form of glucose supplies the body with energy. However, we don’t need to eat any sugar, because our bodies can convert carbohydrates and even fat and protein, if necessary to glucose. Although fruits, vegetables, and dairy products naturally contain some sugars, those sugars are “packaged” with vitamins, minerals, and fiber and are released slowly into the blood.

Consuming excessive amounts of sugars increases the risk of tooth decay and unhealthy weight gain. You can reduce your sugar intake by limiting the consumption of sugary snacks, candies, and sugar-sweetened beverages.

It is also advised to check your blood glucose levels regularly and you can find the devices used here.

“Too much sugar can cause insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes,”


Salt is different from sugar. Salt (sodium chloride) is the largest supplier of sodium in the diet. Sodium has many important biological functions transmitting nerve impulses, contracting and relaxing muscle fibers, and maintaining proper fluid balance.

In healthy people, the kidneys regulate the body’s sodium level by getting rid of any excess. But if there’s too much sodium in the bloodstream, the kidneys may not be able to keep up. Then excess sodium in the blood pulls out water from the cells into the bloodstream. As the heart works harder to pump the extra volume of blood through the arteries, the blood pressure rises. Check your blood pressure regularly using blood pressure measuring devices.

 “Salt in excess can cause water gain and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart failure, heart attack, and stroke.”

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Your health matters to us!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs Pharmacy is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article.


Did you know that the tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions is over 4000 years old?

For a lot of us, the new year signifies a new start and brings hope for better days. It comes with a certain push that makes people want to be better and do things differently. Hence, at the beginning of every year, a lot of people write down goals they would like to achieve, habits they want to drop, and so on. 

Most of these goals are often centered around work, finances, and personal development. But how many of us make goals centered around our health? It is important to remember that we can only bring plans to reality when we are alive and well. So, even if you have given up on New Year’s resolutions altogether because your resolutions never make it past January, decide to live healthy this year. And as usual, we are here to help!

Here is a list of 4 resolutions you can start with:


I am sure a great number of us are tired of seeing and hearing this phrase, but it cannot be overemphasized. The saying that “you are what you eat.” couldn’t possibly be more accurate. We have shared several recipes in previous blogs to ensure that healthy eating is not boring or tiring. You can find these amazing recipes here, here, and here.


This is one thing that we have been told to do as early as primary school but still one thing a lot of people take for granted. Here are some things you can do to ensure good oral health:

  • Brush properly two times daily (in the morning and after meals at night)
  • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Floss! Flossing helps to remove food particles stuck in between the teeth. These are areas your toothbrush may not be able to get to.
  • Limit soda, alcohol, and coffee intake as they can weaken your teeth.
  • Consume foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, as they are necessary for maintaining healthy gums and teeth.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for dental check-ups.

You can find more tips and information on oral health and hygiene here. Click here to find all kinds of dental care products. 


The benefits of drinking water cannot be overemphasised. It is necessary for all the cells and organs in our body to function properly. Below are some benefits of drinking water:

  • Water carries oxygen all over the body
  • It lubricates the joints
  • It regulates body temperature
  • It aids digestion
  • It helps us get rid of body waste.

Thanks to technology, there are apps now that can help remind you to drink water as often as you should. 


stress, and our daily activities, often make us neglect our mental health. Taking care of our mental health and the things that we dwell on is as important as taking care of our physical health. Do not forget to take a break and think positive thoughts no matter how hard it may seem. Exercising and eating healthy are also ways we can help improve our mental health.


Want to feel happier, more relaxed and look better? EXERCISE! Exercising not only helps with our physical appearance, it helps our moods and improves our mental health. Below are other benefits that we can get from exercising:

  • Exercise helps with weight control 
  • It improves muscle strength and boosts energy
  • It can help you fall asleep faster and rest better
  • It can be a fun social activity.

Even if it’s difficult to set out time to exercise, ensure you’re taking up to 10,000 steps in a day. Don’t worry, you don’t have to count, you can simply use a step counter

There are other healthy resolutions you can make this year like drinking more water, taking better care of your skin, reducing sugar intake and getting more sleep. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is improving the quality of your life and you are consistent. 

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Perfect Ingredients for a healthy HEART

Your heart works very hard for you everyday of your life without a break. The least you could do is to show some love by taking good care of it. but how can you take care of it??? It is simply by making few changes in your lifestyle and habits. A few simple swaps can make all the difference or even eliminating a few risk factors to improve your heart health can reap many benefits. We would be discussing few tips that can help maintain a healthy heart.

Ingredients for a healthy HEART

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating for a healthy heart is a pattern. It doesn’t focus on one type of food or nutrient, but rather on what you eat over days, weeks and months. This style of eating is naturally low in saturated and trans fats, salt and added sugar. It’s rich in wholegrains, fibre, antioxidants and unsaturated fats.  A healthy diet can help reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop you gaining weight, reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. Everyone should aim for a well balanced diet. A well-balanced diet should include at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day.

Stay Active

Too tired to exercise?

Think again! To strengthen your heart muscle, you should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days. If you can’t do all 30 minutes at once, do 10 minutes at a time. Brisk walking, swimming, or cycling are especially good for your heart. Your heart is a muscle, and it gets stronger and healthier if you have an active life. It’s never too late to start exercising!!! Step counters would also be very helpful for physical exercise.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is an essential part of keeping a healthy heart.. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease no matter your age or other health habits.

Quit smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/smo Smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack as those who have never smoked. Nicotine from cigarette not only damages the lining of your arteries but also reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, and raises your blood pressure. You can also discuss with your healthcare professional on options that can help quit smoking. Smoking does more harm than good!!

Be Happy, Keep Calm and Reduce Stress !!

It’s been proven that stress, anger, anxiety, and depression can keep your blood pressure high and increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other illnesses. Stress can play a huge role in your heart health. Increased stress releases cortisol and adrenaline, which elevates blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Stress-related behaviors can also negatively affect your health, causing you to smoke more, drink more, overeat, and be physically inactive. All these behaviors will contribute negatively to your heart health.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol can affect your heart by causing high blood pressure. Drinking too much alcohol also causes abnormal heart rhythms, damage to the heart muscle and other diseases such as stroke, liver problems and some cancers.

Cut down on salt

If you have a diet high in salt, it’s likely that your blood pressure would be high too. That means you have an increased risk of suffering from heart disease or stroke. The recommended maximum daily intake of salt is just 6g (1 level teaspoon) for adults and 3g for children (2.5g of salt is the equivalent of 1g of sodium). and so, cut down by trying not to use any salt at all at the table and reduce how much you use in cooking. Also, keep an eye on food labels to check how much salt you’re eating in processed foods.

Making changes like these takes time and a lot of effort. But think about the progress, not perfection. And reward yourself for every positive step you take. Ask your friends and family to support you and join in, too. Your heart’s future will be better for it!

“Heart disease let’s defeat, Keep a healthy Heartbeat”

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think! Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:



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We Love You.

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article


Have you ever wondered if your liver is healthy or not?  If it’s full of toxins or working well enough to perform its functions. If you have not thought about it before, then this is for you.

What is the Liver?

The liver is the largest solid organ in the human body. it is of two different types of gland. It is a secretory gland because it has a specialized structure that is designed to allow it make and secrete bile into the bile ducts. It is also an endocrine gland, because it makes and secretes chemicals directly into the blood that have effects on other organs in the body. The liver is a digestive organ that produces bile.  Bile is a fluid that aids in digestion and absorption of fats as well as carries waste products into the intestine. The fun fact about the liver is that it is your body’s largest solid organ.

What does the liver do?

Elimination of harmful substances

It eliminates by metabolizing or secreting the potentially harmful biochemical products produced by the body, such as bilirubin from the breakdown of old red blood cells and ammonia from the breakdown of proteins.


It detoxifies by clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances such as alcohol and environmental toxins.

Conversion of sugar

Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy) and to balance and make glucose as needed.

Bile Production

Production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion. Bile acids aids in the intestinal absorption of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Blood reservoir

Because the liver is an expandable organ, large quantities of blood can be stored in its blood vessels. Thus, the liver is capable of acting as a valuable blood reservoir in times of excess blood volume and capable of supplying extra blood in times of diminished blood volume.

 Cholesterol synthesis

The liver plays several roles in lipid metabolism: it performs cholesterol synthesis, lipogenesis and the production of triglycerides and a bulk of the body’s lipoproteins are synthesized in the liver.

When taking these factors into consideration, it is easy to see how important the liver is to a person’s health. Then, just imagine if it is not being taken care off or if we keep bombarding it with a lot of poisonous substances.

What diseases can develop in the liver?

There are so many diseases that can affect the liver and its functions. Some have successful treatments while others do not. Examples of the most common conditions that affect the liver include:

Autoimmune disorder

Autoimmune disorder causes the body’s immune system to attack itself and destroy healthy liver tissue. Autoimmune hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis and other liver damage.


It refers to scarring that results from liver diseases and other causes of liver damage, such as alcohol use disorder. Cystic fibrosis and syphilis may also lead to liver damage and eventually, cirrhosis.


Liver cancer first develops in the liver. If cancer starts elsewhere in the body but spreads to the liver, it’s called secondary liver cancer. The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. It tends to develop as several small spots of cancer in your liver, though it can also start as a single tumor. Complications of other liver diseases, especially those that aren’t treated, may contribute to the development of liver cancer.


Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver. It causes inflammation and damage, making it difficult for your liver to function as it should.

All types of hepatitis are contagious but you can reduce your risk by getting vaccinated for types A and B or taking other preventive steps, including practicing safe sex and not sharing needles.

There are five types of hepatitis:

Hepatitis A is typically spread through contact with contaminated food or water. Symptoms may clear up without treatment, but recovery can take a few weeks.

Hepatitis B can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It is spread through bodily fluids, such as blood and semen. While hepatitis B is treatable, there is no cure for it. Early treatment is key to avoiding complications, so it is best to get regular screenings if you are at risk.

Hepatitis C can also be acute or chronic. It is often spread through contact with blood from someone with hepatitis C. While it often does not cause symptoms in its early stages, it can lead to permanent liver damage in its later stages.

Hepatitis D is a serious form of hepatitis that only develops in people with hepatitis B, it can’t be contracted on its own. It can also be either acute or chronic.

Hepatitis E is usually caused by drinking contaminated water. Generally, it clears up on its own within a few weeks without any lasting complications.

How To Keep Your Liver Healthy

Some lifestyle changes that can help you have a healthy liver includes;

  • Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and hepatitis B
  • Practice safe sex with a condom and avoid multiple sex partners.
  • Don’t share needles or personal care items (razors, toothbrushes, etc.)
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Talk to your doctor about any medications you’re taking as they may affect your liver.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you consume because it takes a lot for your liver to breakdown the toxins from alcohol.
  • Maintain a healthy diet with fiber and fatty fishes.

If you are not doing any of these, you need to start doing things differently. Keeping your liver healthy should be one of your priorities.

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let’s know what you think. Contact us via phone or whatsapp with the following numbers:

08094289951 Sola

08094289944 Gbenga

Or chat with us by touching the green circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Stay safe.

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice.


Oral hygiene is very important to one’s personal health. Poor oral hygiene results in poor dental and medical challenges such as gum diseases, infections, stroke, bone loss and more. A bad set of teeth as a result of lack of good oral hygiene affects one’s confidence. Also, this affects one’s social life like missing out on social events and even taking of pictures without a smile.

We should all ensure good oral health as it is an essential aspect of good health being for a quality lifestyle. Daily brushing and flossing help the body’s natural defenses in keeping bacteria in the mouth under control. However, poor hygiene can result in these bacteria getting to levels that cause oral infections like tooth decay and gum diseases.


Proper Brushing Technique.

Place your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use short back and forth strokes across the sides and top of your teeth. Then, hold the brush vertically and use several shorter strokes to focus on the backs of your teeth of the front anterior teeth where plaque builds up often.  Brush the outer surfaces of the teeth using a back-and-forth, up-and-down motion, making sure to be done gently to avoid bleeding.  Make sure you brush the surfaces of your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove bacteria, which might cause bad breath.

Floss regularly.

Flossing can remove plaque and bacteria from between the teeth, where a toothbrush is unable to reach. It can also help prevent bad breath by removing debris and food that are trapped between the teeth. Flossing allows you to reach deep between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach or even mouthwash cannot wash away.

Use mouth wash.

Mouthwash containing Listerine or chlorine dioxide is very helpful because it helps to kill and maintain the bacteria in your mouth. It can help maintain good breath as well as help maintain strong teeth. It is recommended that you use a mouthwash and swish with it for a minimum of one minute after you are done brushing and flossing.

Change your toothbrush.

The bristles of your brush will deteriorate the more you use it. That is why you might not get the best clean if you use the same toothbrush for more than a few months. With that, you need to replace your toothbrush on a regular basis. The general guideline is to get a new brush every 3-4 months but if not, you can change your brush every 6 months. That ensures your teeth stay healthy and clean.

Stop eating snacks all the time.

Are you the type of person that hungers for a midnight snack? If so, make sure to brush again afterward. If you don’t brush after meal, food particles and sugar will stay on your teeth. Allowing the food debris to stay for too long makes the bacteria feed on it. If you maintain this bad habit for a long period of time, you will develop cavities. That is why you should lessen or eliminate midnight snacks to prevent tooth decay.

Consider calcium supplements.

You need plenty of calcium for your teeth. It is essential for the teeth as well as your bones. It is advised to drink milk, fortified orange juice and to eat yogurt, broccoli, cheese, and other dairy products. You can also take a calcium supplement, taking different doses according to your age and necessity as per prescription. Calcium and Vitamin D are necessary for maintaining the health of gums and teeth.

Visit your dentist for check-up.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year to have a full hygiene dental checkup. During such visits, a comprehensive examination is taken to help detect and prevent future dental problems from occurring. By addressing concerns in their infancy, your dentist can implement preventive measures to safeguard your teeth and gums. It’s a commitment to your overall well-being, as the health of your mouth often reflects your general health. For a comprehensive dental check-up experience, schedule an appointment with a professional, such as a Dentist in Henderson, dedicated to providing top-notch care. Avoid waiting for dental issues to emerge; instead, take proactive measures to uphold a healthy mouth and body.

When it comes to prioritizing your dental health, seeking the expertise of the best dentist in Queens is key. The importance of finding a practitioner who not only excels in dental care but also understands the unique needs of their patients cannot be overstated. Regular check-ups with the best dentist queens offer more than just clinical examination; they provide a partnership in your journey towards optimal oral health. This dedicated professional will not only identify and address any emerging issues but also offer guidance on maintaining a healthy and vibrant smile. Investing in the care of the best dentist in Queens ensures that your dental check-ups become not just a routine but a personalized experience tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Avoid smoking cigarette and tobacco.

Stop smoking! It will save you from oral cancer and periodontal complications. Also, it will save you from the countless ill effects of the agents used to mask the smell of tobacco. For example, if you smoke a cigarette, you may use candies, tea or coffee to mask the smoky breath and odor. This doubles the amount of damage caused.

Good oral hygiene should be part of your daily health routine Follow the above tips and make sure you practice and keep to them everyday to keep your mouth cavity free. There are many mouth and gum diseases that you can prevent with proper dental hygiene. That is why you need to set aside a few minutes each day to improve your teeth with brushing and flossing.

” So start right here .. check out these products for adults and kids that you can use to keep your teeth healthy.


This category is specially dedicated to your dental needs, So make sure you don’t miss out !!! You can also check the other categories to shop anything you want. http://Victorydrugs.com.ng

We would love to attend to all your needs and concerns.

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let’s know what you think. Contact us via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:



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Stay safe!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice.


Do you know? Sugar might be Killing You!

This is not so a fun fact: Just one 473-ml can (less than a 50cl bottle) of soda contains 52 grams (about 10 level teaspoons) of sugar. This equates to more than 10% of your daily calorie consumption, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. This means that one sugary drink a day can already put you over the recommended daily limit for added sugar.

OK! I didn’t mean to start like that, but I am here to add to your knowledge.

Sugar is one of the most common ingredients in our foods and unfortunately, it is addictive and tastes way too good. Even those few ‘saints’ who refrain from adding extra sugar in their teas and coffees are likely still consuming more sugar than they should in their diets despite being weary. Why? Because sugar is in most of the foods we eat, especially processed foods. So, the fact that people are consuming too much sugar often unknowingly can lead to some serious health issues.


Too much sugar results in weight gain and obesity. 

Studies and research suggest that people who drink more sodas, beverages, and fruit juices weigh more than those who don’t. This is because of fructose (HFCS) found in processed foods. It leads to a condition called leptin resistance. this is where leptin, a hunger regulating hormone that signals the brain to stop eating does not respond, thereby leading to weight gain. Though genetics also has its hand in weight gain and obesity, a typical modern diet that involves the consumption of refined sugars has become the major cause! I mean, chubby kids are cute, but this is too much. Obesity is not a joke and has several severe implications on their mental and physical health. 

Sugar accelerates ageing process.

Collagen, a protein found in our tissues, is majorly responsible for the maintenance of the skin’s elasticity. Collagen production declines as we age, resulting in the formation of wrinkles. Collagen can get damaged at an early age due to the consumption of sugars because sugars produce certain harmful compounds when combined with proteins in the bloodstream. The combination of collagen with sugar causes the skin to lose elasticity and leads to premature aging.

It Causes Tooth Cavities

Occasional consumption of sugars does not cause cavities because the temporary damage is repaired by itself. However, excess, and continuous consumption of sweetened foods causes the bacteria in the mouth to react with sugars from the drinks/eatables, which results in the formation of acids which damage the teeth, thereby resulting in cavities. Cavities are caused by damaged or weakened tooth enamel. Unfortunately, cavities cannot be cured but can only be prevented. So, cut down on the sugar and try to at the very least make sure you floss and brush your teeth twice daily, so it does not sit in your teeth.

Sugar can weaken your immune system

This is because certain bacteria love to feed on glucose (such as bacteria and yeast). Therefore when there is too much sugar in your system you are essentially creating the ideal breeding ground for diseases.

Effects of Sugar on the Brain

Aside depression and inflammation, sugars can also increase your cravings, compelling you to have more. Moreover, sugar addiction can be as intense as the addiction to drugs and alcohol. Studies and research suggest that sugar addiction can be worse than cocaine addiction. Sugar is so addictive that sugar withdrawal can cause symptoms like insomnia, bloating, headaches, anxiety, lethargy, nausea, and chills. Consuming more than the recommended sugar intake may also cause cognitive disabilities like loss of memory and inability to be attentive and focused.

Can Sugar Cause Diabetes?

Most of us are surprised with the question, right?  Can consuming a lot of sugar during early stages of life cause diabetes? The short answer is Yes! But there are other factors like lifestyle and genetics which play a major role in the outset of the disease. Sugars cause resistance to insulin which is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Also, excess sugar consumption can lead to obesity which is one of the risk factors for the development of type-2 diabetes.

Sugar Increases Risk of Certain Types of Cancers

Excess sugar consumption is not directly related to the possibility of cancer occurrence, but it may cause obesity which raises cancer risk. Also, excess sugar consumption causes chronic inflammation, a condition that is characterized by a continuous change in the cells which may eventually cause DNA damage, thereby resulting in cancer. Studies and research suggest that added sugar consumption may increase the risk of endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, pleural cancer, and cancer related to the small intestine.

The main point is that too much of ANYTHING can be really bad for you. It is possible that you can even overdose on water, surprised? Sugar is, definitely, one of those things that you should pay extra careful attention to. There are some replacements for sugar, you can even substitute sugar with honey or dates powder in your tea and coffee, not only does it taste really nice but it is also healthy. You may want to consider a natural appetite suppressant or natural sweeteners like dates powders. A great sugar alternative are dates, you can get them nicely packaged like this…. https://victorydrugs.com.ng/product/green-finites-date-powder-200g/

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let’s know what you think! Contact us via phone or whatsapp with the following numbers:



Or chat with us by touching the green circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Stay safe!

 Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice.


Being sick is not fun at all. The combination of headache, fever, cough, malaise and nasal congestion can be enough to make anyone miserable. Managing common cold can be extremely difficult, especially if you have children. People might say ‘It is just a cold!’ but you know the suffering only when you experience it yourself. As common as a cold is, it is one of the easiest ailments to treat with home remedies. In this article, we shall be discussing about some natural home remedies for cold. Keep reading!

What is Common Cold?

The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose. Throat, sinuses, and larynx may also be affected. Signs and symptoms may appear less than two days after exposure to the virus. These may include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache and fever. People usually recover in seven(7) to ten(10)days but some symptoms may last up to three(3) weeks. Occasionally, those with other health problems may develop pneumonia.

What are the natural home remedies for cold?


Ginger root is another folk remedy for a cough, colds, and sore throat. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat coughs and is also for colds accompanied by a runny nose with a clear nasal discharge, headache, white tongue coating, neck and shoulder aches. In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, ginger is also used for coughing and colds. Ginger can be helpful in treating common cold and its symptoms due to its antiviral, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Garlic contains the compound allicin, which may have antimicrobial properties. Garlic has long been a home remedy for colds and the flu. People can eat raw garlic, incorporate cooked garlic into meals or take as supplement. Unless a person has a garlic allergy, it is usually safe to use.


Honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Drinking honey in tea with lemon can ease sore throat pain. The World Health Organization recommends honey as a treatment for cough and sore throat, including for children, stating that no reason exists to believe it is less effective than a commercial remedy. Honey can be recommended for children over the age of one for the treatment of coughs, as it is deemed as effective as dextromethorphan and more effective than diphenhydramine. Please note that honey should not be given to children under 1year.

Mint leaves (menthol)

Menthol can help relieve blocked sinuses and congested airways which are common symptoms of a cold. The decongestant properties in menthol allows more air to be inhaled by nose by breaking up the build-ups of phlegm and mucus, in turn rendering them easier to expel. Menthol comes from many types of mint plant. It has antibacterial and pain-relieving effects. It is an ingredient in many vapor rubs and lozenges.


Cinnamon is known to help ease the pain of a dry or sore throat. You can try boiling one teaspoon of cinnamon powder  in a glass of water, and then mixing it with some pepper powder and raw honey for extra effect or you can add a little extra cinnamon to your child’s food. Cinnamon has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that treat the infection and give relief from cold symptoms.


Echinacea is best known for it’s beneficial effects on the immune system. Numerous studies have found that this plant may help your immune system combat infections and viruses, which could help you recover faster from illness. It is one of the reasons why echinacea is often used to prevent or treat common cold. Other studies have found that certain Echinacea products may reduce a person’s likelihood of getting a cold by 10–20 percent. People can purchase Echinacea as a supplement or herbal tea.

Eucalyptus steam inhalation

A steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil may help to alleviate symptoms from colds and flu. It is thought to work by thinning mucus in the respiratory tract. When inhaled into the respiratory system, it is believed to reduce the muscle spasms that can narrow your airway and make it difficult to breathe. It is also said to be a gentle expectorant and to promote drainage from congested sinuses.


You will need vitamin C and vitamin D supplements. Both vitamins are essential for the immune system to perform to its best abilities.  They promote immune response when they are present in the required amounts in the body.


Lemons are high in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that enhances the immune system and has antiviral and antibacterial properties. By boiling an entire cut-up lemon and half an onion in two cups of water, you can make a decoction that will help cut through and reduce mucus in the chest. Slicing a lemon into about 1 cup of water for 8 minutes makes a base for a soothing cough remedy.

You can find here some supplements that can help alleviate cold symptoms. https://victorydrugs.com.ng/product-category/cough-cold-pain/

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think! Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:



Or chat with us by touching the green circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Stay safe!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article


Hello Everyone!!!  

Breastfeeding, as we all know, is feeding of babies or young children with milk from a woman’s breast. Breastfeeding plays an important role in nursing a child. In this article, we will be discussing the importance and benefits of breastfeeding to both the mother and child. So sit back, grab a glass of fresh, healthy juice and let’s proceed.

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies. As your baby grows, your breast milk will change to meet his or her nutritional needs. Breastfeeding can also help protect you and your baby against some short- and long-term illnesses and diseases. The composition of breast milk changes depending on how long the baby nurses at each session, as well as on the child’s age. The first type, produced during the first days after childbirth, is called colostrum. 

Colostrum is easy to digest although it is more concentrated than mature milk. It has a laxative effect that helps the infant to pass early stools, aiding in the excretion of excess bilirubin thereby helping to prevent jaundice.

Health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), recommend breastfeeding exclusively for six months. This means that no other foods or drinks, other than possibly vitamin D are typically given. Breast milk contains all the water a baby needs. After the introduction of foods at six months of age, recommendations include continued breastfeeding until one to two years of age or more. Globally, about 38% of infants are breastfed only during their first six months of life! Meanwhile, breastfeeding has many benefits to both mother and baby, which infant formula lacks.

What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding to Your Baby?

Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby to fight viral and bacterial infections.  Breastfeeding lowers your baby’s risk of getting allergies or asthma and may improve cognitive functions. Babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, without any formula, have fewer respiratory illnesses, ear infections and diarrhea. They also have fewer hospitalizations and trips to the doctor.

Breastfeeding provides your child with ideal nutrition and supports growth and development. It encourages important skin to skin contact between mum and baby which helps to create a close bond, what a privilege!

What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding to the mother?

Breastfeeding burns 300 to 500 calories daily so it can help you lose some weight.  Breastfeeding causes a mother’s uterus to contract, post-birth, helping her body to recover from pregnancy more quickly. Breast milk is low-cost, safe, always in the right temperature and ready prepared. SO YOU HAVE GOT NO WORRIES.  When Breastfeeding, eating a variety of different foods will change the flavor of your breast milk. This will expose your baby to different tastes.  Breastfeeding delays the return of menstruation and fertility, a phenomenon known as lactation amenorrhea. Long-term benefits for the mother include decreased risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.

In conclusion, breast feeding is very vital, as it contains all the nutritional needs, many antibodies and growth factors for babies especially during their first six (6) months of life, while it also helps mom to be healthier.

You can find products for breastfeeding here: https://victorydrugs.com.ng/product/mothersbond-manual-breast-pump/


Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

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Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.

Excuse Me, What Have I Done to Deserve This?

– An open letter

I have been loyal to you since you were in the womb and served you dutifully until now. I never asked you for a holiday. I have worked every day. Even if I have offended you, I do not deserve the treatment you are meting out to me.

For many months now, you have been loading me with salt. I keep absorbing water to help me cope with the high salt bombardment. Now, I have absorbed so much water that your blood pressure is much higher than it should be. This has created enmity between me and your heart who is forced to overwork. It keeps blaming me for its misfortune and, in return, strokes me.

As if that is not enough, you refuse to exercise thereby starving me of oxygen supply. This has compromised my fitness. Instead of providing me with enough oxygen, you decided to pump me with lots of herbal concoctions and supplements which make me sicker. Some of them clog together and form stones in me, pinching me and making me uncomfortable. How I wish you could see my tears!!!

You have so damaged me that I can no longer do my duty as security guard. Imagine ordinary proteins run through me to your urine. I can barely stop them. They mock me as they pass through. Why? What have I done? Is it a sin for me to occupy a vital position in your body?

To make matters worse, when you felt a little of my pain, instead of getting help from your doctor and pharmacist, you bombarded me with deadly pain killers and strong antibiotics. Now, I am just too weak to go on. Why? Why? Why? What have I done to deserve all these?


The Kidney,

Your frustrated servant.

The kidneys are very vital organs that help us to regulate our body fluid (mainly electrolytes and water). These two bean-shaped organs perform two major functions –

  1. maintain electrolyte and water balance between the blood and urine by filtering the blood before sending it back to the heart
  2. remove wastes from the body through urine

Obviously, the kidneys work with the heart and are both involved in controlling our blood pressure.

It is therefore particularly important that we protect our kidneys. Unfortunately, some people indulge in some habits that may damage these indispensable organs. Among factors that may damage the kidneys are certain drugs, especially when used inappropriately. Our major interest in this article is to look at how one might be harming one’s kidneys with drugs.

Drugs that may harm our kidneys include:

Pain killers: 

You may damage your kidneys if you take high doses of some over-the-counter pain relievers known as NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen or if you take them longer than you should. Sometimes, regular doses may pose a threat to your kidneys if combined with certain medications or if your kidney is already compromised. Many times, damage to the kidney by pain relievers are aftermath of self-medication. Please discuss with your pharmacist or doctor before taking pain relievers.


 Indiscriminate use of antibiotics may damage your kidneys. Please do not use antibiotics if not prescribed by your doctor and dispensed by your pharmacist.

Illicit or hard drugs:  Many street or hard drugs like heroin and cocaine can damage the kidneys.

Alcohol: Heavy drinking may damage your kidneys.

Herbal medicines or nutritional supplements: A number of herbal medicines or nutritional supplements have been implicated in kidney damage especially in people at risk of kidney damage. Some research works have shown that a good number of herbal medicines or supplements including ginseng and ginger have the potential to cause kidney damage in people at risk of kidney disease or damage. There are many such herbals so please discuss with your doctor and pharmacist if you are at risk of kidney disease or have kidney disease before taking herbal supplements or medicines. Those at risk of kidney disease include hypertensives and diabetics.

Please note that all drugs you take pass through your kidneys. Therefore, misusing or abusing medicines can hurt your kidney, Your pharmacist is a trained drug expert who, along with your doctor and other healthcare professionals work together to safeguard your health. Discuss your medications with him/her. Let them know the combinations of medicines (and herbs) you are using at all times to ensure it is safe for you.


All drugs, herbal medicines and nutritional supplements pass through the kidneys and may cause harm if taken inappropriately.

Indiscriminate use of painkillers, antibiotics or other drugs may damage your kidney.

Do not take ‘’prescription only” medicines without prescription from your doctor.

Always take your prescription to a registered pharmacy and discuss with the pharmacist.

Discuss with your pharmacist or doctor before taking herbal medicine or nutritional supplement if you have any underlying medical condition.

Disclaimer : This write-up is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Please consult your doctor appropriately.

Your health is in your hands!

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let’s know what you think!  If you have any health concerns or need a medication, you can also call or chat with us via phone or whatsapp with the following numbers:



Or by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Stay safe!!