Polio or Poliomyelitis is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. It can cause paralysis, disability, and even death in severe cases. To prevent the spread of polio, there are several steps that individuals and communities can take. Early detection and treatment of polio cases can help prevent further spread of the disease. If you or someone you know experiences symptoms such as fever, headache, stiffness in the neck or back, weakness or paralysis in the limbs, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, seek medical attention immediately.

By knowing these tips and following these steps to prevent the spread of polio, we can help protect ourselves and our loved ones from this dangerous disease.

1. Vaccination: The most effective way to prevent the spread of polio is through vaccination. Vaccines are available that can protect against polio, and everyone needs to get vaccinated which include children, adults, and travelers who may be at risk of exposure to the virus.

All children should receive the polio vaccine as part of their routine immunization schedule.

2. Hand hygiene: Polio spreads through contact with infected feces or oral secretions, proper hand hygiene can also help prevent the spread of polio. It is essential to wash hands regularly with soap and water, in a case where water and soap is not easily accessible, you can use a hand sanitizer. This is especially important after using the bathroom or changing diapers. Regularly washing hands with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food, can reduce the risk of infection.

3. Sanitation: Maintaining a clean and sanitary environment can also help prevent the spread of polio. This includes proper disposal of waste and sewage, practicing good sanitation such as boiling water before drinking it, and ensuring you get water from clean sources.

4. Avoid close contact with infected individuals: Since polio is highly contagious, it is important to avoid close contact with individuals who are infected with the virus.

5. Travel precautions: If traveling to areas where polio is still prevalent, it is important to take extra precautions such as getting vaccinated before you travel and avoiding contaminated food and water sources.

You can also find vaccines that are available at our pharmacy here: 


Lastly, comment, share your experience, and let us know what you think!

Got questions? Call or chat us up:

07017412207, 08094289945

Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice.


Written by Pharm Juliana Ariri

Mothers don’t just give life, they empower their families to live it to the fullest in good health.

Being there for your loved ones while looking after yourself can be tough. That’s why mothers need all the support they can get and we are always happy to help! We would like to provide you with some quick tips to make into a personalized checklist for you and your family.

Supermoms, let’s dive right in! 

  1. Lead the Way:

HOW: Be a role model. Show your family how it’s done by adopting healthy habits yourself. Remember that action speaks louder than voice.

  1. Balanced Eating:

HOW: Plan nutritious meals, healthy snacks like fruits and veggies should always be readily available so that even on busy days, your family can still eat healthy.

  1. Staying Healthy:

HOW: Keep vaccinations up-to-date for both children and adults in the family. Go for regular check-ups and screenings.

  1. Physical Activity and Exercise:

HOW: Try family workouts like dance competitions, skipping games, etc. Walk to nearby places instead of driving, also swap screen time (watching TV, phones etc) for outdoor play.

  1. Emotional health:

HOW: Be a good listener. Encourage your loved ones to talk about their feelings and concerns, and listen without judgment.

  1. Social Health

HOW: Encourage your loved ones to engage in social activities and maintain connections with friends and family members.

Organize family outings or gatherings to promote bonding and social interaction within the family unit.

  1. Restful Sleep:

HOW: Create bedtime routines and set a sleep schedule. If you get the children to sleep on time you can get some time to unwind and also get some good sleep.

  1. Stay Hydrated:

HOW: Ensure you and your family are drinking enough water. Make a habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning and 6-8 glasses daily.  Avoid sugary drinks. If possible do not store unhealthy drinks in the house.

  1. Handling Health issues:

HOW: Keep a first aid kit and learn safety basics. Stay updated on health topics. Contact your healthcare provider for any health concerns.

We understand that it is not very easy to adopt all these changes all at once. Take it one step at a time. Go through the list and start with one or two. Do these for a while and then add others. Also, make sure you personalize the tips by making it work for your situation. If you slack on any, do not beat yourself up, just start again! Whatever you do, don’t give up. Soon, it will become second nature to you.

Let’s help you even more! We provide vaccination services for children and adults of all ages. We can also help with:

  • Regular Health Checks
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar
  • Prostate 
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Nutrition counseling (by a licensed dietician)
  • First aid box kitting

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!  

0701 741 2207

0809 428 9945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.


Highlighted below are some more examples of asthma triggers and how they can be managed:

5. Physical activity: Although exercise can trigger asthma in certain people, it should not be avoided. Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system and may decrease sensitivity to asthma triggers. Please discuss appropriate exercise with your healthcare professional.

How to avoid trigger

  • Take one or two puffs from a salbutamol inhaler five minutes before beginning exercise.
  • Start any new exercise regime slowly, gradually building strength and endurance.
  • Warm up gradually at the beginning of each exercise session.
  • Regular use of inhaled steroids can prevent attacks.
  • Cool down after exercising – asthma symptoms can appear up to 30 minutes after exercising.

6. Respiratory infections: Infections that cause airway inflammation can trigger asthma. These include colds, pneumonia, influenza (flu), bronchitis, and sinus infections.

How to avoid trigger

  • Speak to your healthcare provider concerning the symptoms.
  • Get a flu shot once per year. 
  • You may also benefit from Pneumococcal vaccine.
  • Wash hands frequently, especially when in contact with an infected person, and avoid contact with infected people when possible.

7. Medicines: Sensitivity to medications can also trigger asthma. In particular, aspirin, some other anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen, naproxen), and certain beta-blocker medicines (such as propranolol, atenolol) for the heart, eyes, or anxiety, may cause an attack in certain individuals.

How to avoid trigger

  • Avoid using these medications.
  • Let your doctor or pharmacist know you react to these drugs to prevent them from prescribing the medications for you and give an alternative.

8. Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms can cause pollen grains to burst and release allergens. During pollen seasons, people with pollen allergies may notice asthma symptoms in the hours after a thunderstorm.

How to avoid trigger

  • Be sure to keep windows closed.
  • Take your preventer medications regularly as directed.
  • Keep a reliever inhaler with you, so it’s ready to use if you need it.

Reference: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/trigger-avoidance-in-asthma-beyond-the-basics#H10.

Please note that the flu shot is available at Victory Vaccine Clinic.

You may contact 08094289951 for more information on Flu shots and you may also benefit from Pneumococcal vaccine

or visit www.victoryvaccineclinic.com for more on flu shots and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

You can also find products that can help with asthmatic conditions here:https://victorydrugs.com.ng/page/1/?s=nebulizer&post_type=product

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!  


Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.


One of the best ways to identify asthma triggers is to pay careful attention to how your asthma symptom occurs, the environment in which it occurs and, if possible, the time/season.

Once asthma triggers have been identified, you have many options: 

  1. Avoid the trigger entirely.
  2. Limit exposure to the trigger if it can not be completely avoided.
  3. If exposure to the trigger can be predicted, consult with your health care professional to know if you need to take an extra dose of your asthma medicine before exposure to the trigger.

It is important that we discuss what allergens are at this point. 

Allergens are substances that can cause allergic reactions, and are the major asthma triggers in people living with asthma.

Highlighted below are some common facts about allergens and how they can be avoided:

  1. Dust and Dust Mites: Dust mites are microscopic, insect-like pests that commonly live in house dust. They grow very rapidly in dark, humid (warm and moist) places with low temperatures and in places where the house dust has accumulated over a long period.

           How to avoid the trigger

  • Remove rugs from the bedroom. Minimize the number of stuffed toys (teddy bears and the likes) that collect dust in the bedroom and wash them weekly.
  • Wash bed linens and blankets regularly (every week) with hot water and dry in the sun.
  • Encase pillows and mattresses in air-tight covers to make a barrier between dust mites and yourself.
  • Ventilate the house sufficiently to decrease humidity and avoid damp housing conditions.
  1. Pollens and molds: Pollens are fine powders produced by certain plants when they reproduce. They are blown into the air at certain times of the year, like during summer. Mold is a type of fungus that lives on plants and animal matter and grows best in damp and poorly ventilated places.

           How to avoid the trigger

  • Keep windows and doors closed at peak pollen seasons.
  • Mold thrives on film that covers tiles, sinks, and tubs.
  • Regular cleaning of all surfaces and repairing areas with water leaks can prevent molds from growing indoors.
  1. Cigarette/Tobacco smoke: Cigarettes contain chemicals that are destructive to the lungs.

           How to avoid the trigger

  • Anyone living with asthma should never smoke. Smoking should not be allowed in the person’s home, and second-hand smoke should be avoided whenever possible.
  1. Cockroaches 
  • Cockroaches can shed or excrete particles that contain allergens that have been shown to trigger asthma in sensitive individuals. Cockroaches thrive in warm environments with easily accessible food and water.

           How to avoid the trigger

  • Seal cracks and holes.
  • Store trash in containers with lids that close securely and remove them daily.
  • Practice good hygiene; Wash dishes and cooking utensils immediately after use.
  • Remove cockroach debris quickly.
  • Eliminate any standing water from leaking faucets or drains.
  • Eradicate cockroaches with appropriate insecticide (be careful with insecticide if you react to it)

Reference: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/trigger-avoidance-in-asthma-beyond-the-basics#H10.

You can find products that can help with asthmatic conditions here:https://victorydrugs.com.ng/page/1/?s=nebulizer&post_type=product

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.


Here are some tips on how to be in control of asthma:

  1. Understand your asthma: Get understanding about your asthma and what triggers your asthma attack so that you can avoid your triggers as much as possible.
  2. Be very clear on what to do to prevent an attack and what to do if an attack occurs.
  3. Don’t assume: Don’t wait until you get an attack before you are clear on what to do. When in doubt of what to do, please ask your doctor or trusted healthcare professional as soon as possible.
  4. Follow your doctor’s advice: This is very important. If you have concerns about the advice given to you by your doctor, please express the concerns to him or her and be very clear. If you can’t reach him or her, please discuss with your pharmacist or other trusted healthcare professional.
  5. Make sure you understand your inhaler device, how to use it, and when to use it.
  6. Ensure you always have your reliever inhaler with you. Reliever inhalers vary. Please consult your doctor, pharmacist, or other trusted healthcare professional for clarity on which of your medications is a reliever inhaler.
  7. Use your preventer inhaler as prescribed by your doctor. Don’t stop using it unless your doctor says so. If there is scarcity of your inhaler device, talk with your doctor, pharmacist, or other trusted healthcare professional. If you feel very well, don’t stop without discussing with your doctor.
  8. Try to have a personal asthma care plan, which should be done in consultation with your doctor. Carry your family members along and teach them what to do for you in case you have an attack that is troublesome.
  9. Ask! ask! ask! if not sure. Ask before you get to crossroads. Ask if you find yourself at crossroads.
  10. Quit smoking if you smoke, and avoid secondhand smoking.

You can find products that can help with asthmatic conditions here:https://victorydrugs.com.ng/page/1/?s=nebulizer&post_type=product

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.


Your bowels make up part of your lower digestive tract and consist of your intestines, rectum and anus. Your rectum is where stools are stored and your brain sends messages to your rectum when it is full and needs to be emptied. The aim is that you should go to the toilet between 3 times a week to 3 times a day, and avoid straining on the toilet which may be as a result of constipation.

Constipation is a condition in which a person has an uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. A person is considered to be constipated when bowel movements result in passage of small amounts of hard, dry stool, usually fewer than three times a week. However, normal stool elimination may consist of having a bowel movement three times a day or three times a week depending on the person.

Normally, as food moves through the colon (also known as the large intestine), the colon absorbs water while forming stool (waste products), muscle contractions then push the stool toward the rectum, by the time the stool reaches the rectum, most of the water has been absorbed, making the stool solid. When the colon’s muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, the stool moves through the colon too slowly, resulting in hard, dry stools. Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint.


  • Medications
  • Not drinking enough water (dehydration)
  • Eating foods low in fiber 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Stress
  • Changes in regular routine or lifestyle, such as travel, pregnancy and old age
  • Abuse of laxatives
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement
  • Problems with intestinal functions


  • Difficult and painful bowel movements
  • Bowel movements fewer than three times a week
  • Feeling bloated or uncomfortable
  • Abdominal pain


  • Drink up to 8 glasses of water per day
  • Limit caffeine drinks to 2 per day
  • Eat food high in soluble fiber e.g pasta, rice, vegetables and fruits
  • Limit foods high in insoluble fiber such as bran and muesli as too much can bulk out your poo and make them hard and difficult to pass.
  • Use probiotics to relieve constipation and for individuals who have an illness that requires antibiotics. www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/constipation#.

You can find here some supplements that can help relief your stomach; https://victorydrugs.com.ng/product-category/stomach-remedies/

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article.


It is World Immunization Week! It aims to highlight the collective action needed to protect children, adults, the elderly and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases in which vaccines are considered to be safe and effective with little or no side effects, allowing them to live happier, healthier lives. 

Victory Drugs Victory Vaccine Clinic is a home for vaccines and we offer vaccinations which cuts across Pneumonia, Influenza virus, Hepatitis, Chicken pox, Measles, Mumps and Rubella- MMR, Polio, Tetanus, Yellow fever, Typhoid, Human papillomavirus- HPV and others that are important for you as determined by the Center for Disease Control and infection-CDC. 

Here is a focus on Influenza Virus. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which circulate in all parts of the world.”

Symptoms of influenza can include:

  • Sudden onset of high fever
  • Headache, muscle aches, and joint pain
  • Cough (usually dry)
  • Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea may occur but are more common in children than adults.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC recommends that people living with diabetes should take the flu vaccine. This is because people with diabetes are at risk of serious flu complications, such as pneumonia, sinus, and ear infections, which might result in hospitalization.

The vaccine is given on an annual basis (1 dose yearly) and is available at Victory Vaccine Clinic (by Victory Drugs).

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article.


Have you ever heard of water therapy?

Water therapy involves drinking water early in the morning before breakfast.

It’s recommended to take about 3 glass cups or 1 bottle of 75Cl of water in the morning before brushing and before breakfast. Then ensure you do not eat anything for the next 45 minutes.

Here are 7 benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning before breakfast:

  1. Purification of the colon and nutrient absorption. Water helps to clean the colon and increase nutrient absorption.
  2. It improves digestion and stomach troubles.
  3. Helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Yep!! It helps to increase metabolism which will help in weight loss.
  4. Improve the skin appearance. Everyone loves to look good and fresh. Right, take water as soon as you wake up.
  5. Improves immunity. Adequate water helps you to fight infections and diseases.
  6. Helps to prevent Kidney stone formation.
  7. It helps to detoxify the system. It helps the body get rid of toxins (harmful substances).

Now that you know this, Will you start taking water as soon you wake up in the morning?

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article.


The best way to maintain good health is through a healthy lifestyle.

Here are a few tips on how you can maintain total health;

Physical Wellness

1) Commit to a healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruits
2) Keep your immunization and health screening up to date
3) Move more, get active
4) Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep daily
5) Visit your healthcare provider regularly
6) Limit alcohol and tobacco use
7 ) Practice good hygiene
8) Take your multivitamins daily

Emotional Wellness

1) Develop healthy physical habits
2) Practice Self-care, schedule times for relaxing activities
3) Always try to see the positive side of things.
4) Practice gratitude.
5) Ask for help when you feel overwhelmed

Social Wellness

1) Improve your communication skills
2) Participate in neighborhood events, volunteer at your child’s school or place of worship
3) Participate in group discussions
4) Plan fun activities with your family
5) Build healthy relationships with supportive people

You can find here some supplements that can help keep you healthy; https://victorydrugs.com.ng/product-category/wellness-vitality/

Lastly, drop a comment, share your experience and let us know what you think!

Contact our pharmacist via phone or WhatsApp with the following numbers:

07017412207, 08094289945



Or chat with us by touching the red circular icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Victory drugs cares!

Disclaimer: Please note that this information should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. Victory drugs is not liable for any action you take as a result of reading this article.

Six Mouth Watering Veggies You Can Snack On

Six Mouth Watering Veggies You Can Snack On

Healthy mouth-watering veggies you can snack on raw includes:

1. Carrots – are crunchy veggies you can snack on raw. they are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Carrots are rich in Potassium, which is healthy for people with high blood pressure and heart diseases.
They are rich in antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin) which reduces the risk of some cancers.
Contains Vitamin C which boosts your immune system and helps the body fight off diseases and infections.
Contains Fiber which is good for your digestive health; it also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.
Contain vitamin A which help reduce risk of diabetes.
It also contains vitamin K and small amounts of calcium which are important for bone health.
2. Cucumbers: One of the most hydrating foods, cucumbers are one of the healthy veggies you can snack on raw.
cucumbers have a low glycemic index.
contains essential nutrients that can prevent blood glucose levels from rising too high.
Cucumbers contain important electrolytes, and can be eaten to prevent dehydration in hot weathers.

3. Tomatoes: made up of 95% water. loaded with folate, vitamin c, vitamin k and potassium. low in carbs.
a good source of fiber.
packed with antioxidants lycopene and B-carotene, good for skin health and sun-burns.
Rich in flavonoids, which decrease inflammation.
It also conatins the antioxidant lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
4.Broccoli: packed essential nutrients and antioxidants such as vit A, C, K, folate, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, protein and fiber.
they also contains bioactive componds that reduce inflammationhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23830380 .

5. Garden eggs:a great source of dietary fibre which helps digestion, also contains vitamin B1, potassium and folate.

6. Cabbage: a fibrous vegetable.
contains vitamin C, vitamin K, B6, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and manganese.
Also contains powerful antioxidants that reduces inflammations https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25147152