Highlighted below are some more examples of asthma triggers and how they can be managed:
5. Physical activity: Although exercise can trigger asthma in certain people, it should not be avoided. Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system and may decrease sensitivity to asthma triggers. Please discuss appropriate exercise with your healthcare professional.
How to avoid trigger
- Take one or two puffs from a salbutamol inhaler five minutes before beginning exercise.
- Start any new exercise regime slowly, gradually building strength and endurance.
- Warm up gradually at the beginning of each exercise session.
- Regular use of inhaled steroids can prevent attacks.
- Cool down after exercising – asthma symptoms can appear up to 30 minutes after exercising.
6. Respiratory infections: Infections that cause airway inflammation can trigger asthma. These include colds, pneumonia, influenza (flu), bronchitis, and sinus infections.
How to avoid trigger
- Speak to your healthcare provider concerning the symptoms.
- Get a flu shot once per year.
- You may also benefit from Pneumococcal vaccine.
- Wash hands frequently, especially when in contact with an infected person, and avoid contact with infected people when possible.
7. Medicines: Sensitivity to medications can also trigger asthma. In particular, aspirin, some other anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen, naproxen), and certain beta-blocker medicines (such as propranolol, atenolol) for the heart, eyes, or anxiety, may cause an attack in certain individuals.
How to avoid trigger
- Avoid using these medications.
- Let your doctor or pharmacist know you react to these drugs to prevent them from prescribing the medications for you and give an alternative.
8. Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms can cause pollen grains to burst and release allergens. During pollen seasons, people with pollen allergies may notice asthma symptoms in the hours after a thunderstorm.
How to avoid trigger
- Be sure to keep windows closed.
- Take your preventer medications regularly as directed.
- Keep a reliever inhaler with you, so it’s ready to use if you need it.
Reference: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/trigger-avoidance-in-asthma-beyond-the-basics#H10.
Please note that the flu shot is available at Victory Vaccine Clinic.
You may contact 08094289951 for more information on Flu shots and you may also benefit from Pneumococcal vaccine
or visit www.victoryvaccineclinic.com for more on flu shots and other vaccine-preventable diseases.
You can also find products that can help with asthmatic conditions here:https://victorydrugs.com.ng/page/1/?s=nebulizer&post_type=product
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Disclaimer: Kindly remember that as much as we ensure we provide sound information or advice, the information or advice given here is not intended to replace your doctor’s advice and Victory Drugs is not liable for any decision you make based on the information or advice provided here.